I am SO excited to share my new creation! Well...it's not exactly new. I have been using this organizational system for about 4 years, but I am now sharing this organization and selling this fantastic scout binder!
When my oldest joined cub scouts I had NO IDEA what I was supposed to keep and what I was supposed to throw away. I had no idea what was important and what I would wish I had years later. As the years passed (keep in mind I have 4 boys) I started to get a better idea of what was important to keep...usually everything! Since I love to organize I knew I needed a way to keep everything organized for EACH of my boys. That is where the creation of this binder came along. GUYS... This binder saves my sanity! It will keep you organized from Cubs to Boy Scouts...Bobcat to Eagle! I call it The Scout Binder.
Each binder will have a custom cover page and side binding with YOUR scouts name on it! I love seeing all my boys binders lined up on my shelf. To purchase The Scout Binder click HERE. Enjoy a sneak peek inside the binder!
To see a video of how the binder works click HERE then click on the video tab on the left hand side.
I would love to purchase this binder. If you are still selling it, please let me know. Thanks!