I found some awesome notebooks for the kids that look a lot like the papers that my boys were bringing home from school.

It has a place for them to write a few sentences and then draw a picture above. I got them at Target. I also picked up a few Math books. So here is a run down of our new schedule:
9am-Write in journal or do 1 math page
9:15ish-20 minutes of reading
9:45ish-do chore
Chores with my kids has been hard for me to implement. I don't know why...I grew up doing chores, but coming up with age appropriate chores has been hard. Last summer I started the whole chore thing...it has worked great and once they were into the routine it wasn't hard to keep it going through the school year too! Here is what they do: my 8 year old cleans the kids bathroom and my 7 year old cleans the 1/2 bath down stairs. By clean I mean wipe down the counter and mirror and take out the garbage every day. On Saturdays, however, they will do the Saturday version of the chore by not only cleaning the counter and mirror and taking out the garbage, but cleaning the toilet and sweeping the floor too! Even before we started my boys were saying,"What about Bailey?" (my 5 year old) ...In her journal I have her come up with a sentence and I will write it for her and then she will draw a picture to go along with it. For reading time I will read to her instead and her chore will be to help keep the loft clean.
I have learned that more structure to our mornings helps with the boredom that seems to always set in an hour after they wake up!!
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